Tips for Keeping Your Resolutions

According to new research, Americans take an average of 32 days to give up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Whether you want to eat healthier, begin a new exercise regime or stick to a meditation practice, it seems that on or around February 1st is the day that most Americans throw in the towel. Why is this and how can you set yourself up for success? We’ve put together a few tips below to help you have longevity in your new healthy lifestyle.
- Be Realistic. This is the number one reason that most people give up before they can see the benefits – doing too much all at once. Have you never eaten whole foods before, and you’ve suddenly decided to go vegan? There’s a high probability that this might not work out for you. Start small! Verde juices are an easy and delicious way to do this. Slowly incorporate whole, fresh, organic foods in the form of juice into your diet is not as much of a shock to your system. Build on this and you are much more likely to succeed in the long term.
- Have a Plan. Making a resolution on December 31st at midnight may sound fun, but the reality is, you must prepare for a change in lifestyle. If you want to incorporate more exercise into your daily life, plan it out beforehand. What type of exercise will you do? Take a daily walk? Join a gym? Take up water polo? Whatever it is, you must be prepared before the first of the year if this is going to be a meaningful change. Planning to incorporate vitamins and minerals will help your body have more energy and recover more quickly from your new routine. Stocking up on Verde’s Ruby Cleanse, which is popular amongst athletes for its energizing and detoxing ingredients is a good way to prepare yourself!
- Don’t Be Too Hard on Yourself. We all backslide on occasion, we’re only human after all. If this happens to you, whether it’s before the 32 day cut off or after, this doesn’t mean that your resolution can’t still happen! Accept that you slipped, take a deep breath, and keep trying. Change can be difficult and it’s important to remember this as January comes to an end.
- Reward Yourself. That being said, it’s also important to celebrate the wins! Have you stuck to your diet? Taken a walk everyday? Meditated daily? That’s wonderful and it means you’re ahead of the game! Congratulate yourself with something special. The better you feel about your progress the more likely you are to stick to it. In this hectic world, taking a moment to celebrate your wins is more important than ever.
The New Year is a wonderful time to reflect on the years past, and to look forward to and make positive changes for the upcoming year. Consistency is key in developing a new habit (and eliminating old ones). We hope to see you celebrating your wins long after the 32 day mark. Happy New Year from Verde!